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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
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Safety while Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro
Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation and also have in place a complete evacuation procedure in case of altitude sickness. We carry first aid supplies, supplement oxygen and Gamow bag (High Altitude hyperbaric chamber). Our trip leaders have been trained on wilderness first responder and CPR. We are therefore bound to rely on them and give way to their skills and knowledge whenever necessary. We will be carrying portable chemical flush toilets. These will ensure privacy and comfort ability for our clients.
Drinking Water
To ensure that the water you drink is safe, we have in place a Kate dyne pump which has been approved by W.H.O. Kate dyne pumps remove 99.99% of the impurity in the water. Our clients have all reasons to feel comfortable and safe about the water. Get a refill, suit yourself and hydrate.
While climbing
You will get all your drinking water for the day in the morning while leaving the camp. Clients should be carrying their own water for drinking. We refill at camp. We will bring lunch from the office when you finish climbing. Clients need to bring their own snacks and energizer juice as they like. Three to five litter of fluid should be consumed a day.
Emergencies equipment
Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation. We carry first aid supplies, supplement oxygen and Gamow bag (High Altitude hyperbaric chamber). Our trip leaders have been trained on wilderness first responder and CPR. We are therefore bound to rely on them and give way to their skills and knowledge whenever necessary.
Explore East Africa is responsible for the organization on trails. However, if you would like to go through the western bridge, you will need an extra Hyperbaric Chamber and a wilderness first respondent guide.
Toilet in camping Adventure
We will be carrying portable chemical flush toilets. These will ensure privacy and comfortability for our clients.
Hyperbaric Chamber and oxygen
We do carry the hyperbaric chamber and oxygen as a safety precaution just incase during the climb any of our clients experience breathing problems.
The meals will also be taken under the mess tent with a table, but there will be only stools, no full sitting chairs. Even though the food will be abundant, there will be more dry food, like soup packet.
In the morning for your breakfast you should expect flasks of hot water, tea, coffee, chocolate and milk. There will be bread or toast, porridge or oatmeal. Condiments: Jam, butter, honey peanut butter.
Prior to your breakfast someone will come to your tent to bring you tea or coffee. We call it wakeup call.
Lunch will be beneficial during the climb. It is at this time that you are able to enjoy your lunch and the view at the same time. Our professional cook will pack you a picnic lunch. You will have it with you, and have an opportunity to choose when to eat.
The lunch will include: Sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, fruit (depending on the season). You can have a banana, orange or an apple and roasted nuts.
Choose the best resting place that is comfortable for you, take out your lunch and while chewing or hydrating, enjoy the beautiful & mesmerising views.
Snacks will be served at around 4 pm. There is normally tea, coffee and chocolate with biscuits.
Before we retire to bed, we have our dinner. During dinner, we will have a chance to talk about the mountain and ask any questions regarding the expedition.
Our dinner always starts with soup. This is very important for fluid intake, as it helps on altitude. The main course will come after that. This includes; rice, potatoes or pasta, sauté or vegetables, meat or fish and salad. The desert will be dry: cookies, slice of cake (carrot).
After Dinner, we serve tea, coffee and hot water.